What are the different types and uses of pin gauges?
Metric pin gauge and imperial pin gauge 1. metric pin gauge : specifications range 0.10mm ~ 50.00mm; interval: 0.005mm 0.01mm 0.02mm 0.025mm 0.05mm 0.10mm 0.50mm 1.00mm, etc.; accuracy ± 0.001mm ± 0.002mm ± 0.0005mm, etc. 2. inch pin gauge: specification range 0.011in ~ 1.000in; interval 0.001in; accuracy ± 0.001mm ± 0.002mm + 0.0025 The use of pin gauge. Production of each product parts, first whether the tolerance size has been decided, in the upper limit and lower limit tolerance control range. Use GO (through gauge); NO-GO gauge (stop gauge) of the tolerance method of the gauge to implement management. For small production quantities, it is possible to reduce the cost of purchasing gauges and become proficient in their operation. It is easy to obtain the interchangeability of products, and it is very helpful in the field or in the inspection room for quality and yield improvement. In mass production, a gauge ...